
Posts Tagged ‘osteoporosis’

Virgin Coconut Oil: Healthy To Eat, Healthy To Wear, Healthy For You

Virgin Coconut Oil is one of the absolute best oils you can possibly use for cooking and baking and it has so many benefits that I just had to devote a blog to it.

The first thing that you should know is that not all saturated fats are bad for you. The saturated fat in coconut oil is actually very good for you and can even help you to lose weight. Saturated fats were vilified a couple decades ago when some very flawed studies emerged which actually used hydrogenated coconut oil rather than virgin coconut oil. Hydrogenating oil turns it into a trans fat with very detrimental effects to your health, like promoting heart disease. Other industries jumped on the opportunity to denounce saturated fats and started to heavily promote their “heart healthy” oils like soy, canola and corn oils. What they didn’t tell you is how easily these oils go rancid and promote free radical damage and inflammation in your body. You can read about the dangers of soy here:



The importance of saturated fat in the diet cannot be overemphasized. For one, the membranes of every single cell in our bodies are 50% saturated fat and this is necessary in order to protect the contents of the cell. Without saturated fat, the cell membranes would lose their structural integrity and allow the contents of the cell to get crushed. Because of this fact, our brains are actually 60% fat so a low fat diet can in fact affect brain function.

Avoiding fat in your meals is NOT the way to lose weight and can have a negative impact on your body. Many vitamins like A, D, E and K are all fat soluble and therefore need fat in order for your body to be able to use them. Also, the mineral Calcium needs dietary fat in order for it to be absorbed and utilized by our bones and teeth in helping to prevent osteoporosis and tooth decay. Having fat in a meal also helps to slow down food’s absorption so that you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer and tend to eat less in the long run. It has also been shown that adding coconut fat to your diet actually helps to normalize body fat. It stimulates your metabolism thus increasing your fat burning potential and also signals your body to release white fat stores since you are giving it a normal supply of healthy fat and it doesn’t need to keep it in storage. So avoiding all fat is not the answer to weight loss, avoiding the WRONG types of fat is the answer.

Most of the saturated fat in coconut oil is in the form of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) which your body converts into energy almost immediately rather than being stored as fat. MCTs are well known by athletes to increase athletic performance and they are also antimicrobial so they benefit the immune system by helping to improve its anti-inflammatory response. Coconut oil is so easily digested that even people who have had their gallbladder removed can still consume it. The gallbladder is a key player in digesting fats so having it removed can make fatty meals very difficult to digest…. Unless the fat is from coconut that is.

If you want to know one of the causative factors behind the obesity epidemic then you should look to soy and corn oils (vegetable oils) in the diet rather than saturated fats. In the 1940s ranchers tried to fatten up their animals using coconut oil only to find that a high coconut oil diet made their animals lean, active and full of energy. They did find, however, that using soy and corn oils fattened the animals right up so they decided to use those oils instead.


About 2/3rds of the white fruit (copra) of a coconut is oil and from this copra is where the coconut oil is extracted. The oil can either be extracted from dried copra or from fresh wet copra but wet extraction is more expensive and time consuming so the final product will cost more.

The primary fat in coconut oil Lauric Acid which is a medium chain fatty acid and accounts for about 49% of the fat in coconut. Lauric acid can also be found in breast milk and is vital to an infant’s immune system so they also add it to formulas. When eaten, lauric acid turns into Monolaurin which the body uses to destroy viruses, bacteria and protozoa like HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, helicobacter pylori and giardia lamblia. It is able to destroy viruses by dissolving their protective envelope (think of this as their body armor) thus exposing them to the chemicals in our bodies and killing them. Monolaurin has also been shown to inactivate fungi and the yeast known as Candida albicans which can cause a whole host of bodily disorders if allowed to multiply in excess. Even one course of antibiotics can throw off the bodily balance and allow a Candida overgrowth.

The second highest fat content in Coconut is in the form of Myristic Acid and accounts for approximately 18% of the fat content. Myrsitic Acid is another MCT and helps to promote a healthy metabolism and to stabilize cellular proteins.

Another eight percent of coconut oil is Palmitic acid which the heart uses as one of its preferred energy sources. The surfactant in our lungs, which helps to keep the walls of the lungs from sticking together, is about 68 percent palmitic acid so this fat also helps to support lung health.

About seven percent of the coconut fat is another MCT known as capric acid which has also been shown to have antiviral effects against HIV and possibly the herpes simplex virus and the sexually transmitted disease known as Chlamydia.

Because Coconut Oil is such an effective anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, it also helps to improve overall digestion of foods and to maintain the healthy bacteria in the digestive tract along with reducing the burden on your immune system. There was actually a study done on AIDS patients where their viral load dropped to almost undetectable levels when they ate a half coconut or 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil per day… that is how effective of an antiviral this stuff is. Just imagine if your immune system wasn’t burdened with all these random virus, bacteria and fungi the work it could do to promote your overall well being.

The remaining fatty acids in coconut oil include about eight percent as an MCT called caprylic acid, six percent as oleic acid which is an Omega 9 fat also found in olive oil, two percent as stearic acid and another two percent as linoleic acid which is an Omega 6 fat.

Coconut oil does not contain any trans fat and since it is stable at high temperatures, it does not turn into a trans fat during cooking like olive oil has a tendency to do. Coconut Oil has an impressive shelf life compared to other oils and does not turn rancid very easily unlike most of the oils you buy at the grocery store which are unsaturated and therefore unstable so they have probably already turned rancid before you buy them due to the light and heat exposure they experience.

One of the most important things to realize is that Saturated fat and Trans fats are NOT the same. Good saturated fats have many beneficial attributes like raising “good” cholesterol and lowering blood levels of heart disease causing (atherogenic) lipoproteins. Trans fats, on the other hand, have been shown to lower “good” cholesterol, raise atherogenic lipoproteins, cause a tissue loss of beneficial omega 3 fatty acids, inhibit insulin binding, interfere with enzyme functions and interfere with immune system function.


Since coconut oil provides the cells with a quick energy source without raising blood sugar levels and without inhibiting insulin binding, it is also a great food for diabetics and those worried about diabetes.

Coconut oil has also been shown to preserve tissues stores of omega 3 fatty acids and can therefore help to balance the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio in your body which is very important considering how many omega 6 fats are in the typical American diet compared to omega 3 fats.

Another reason to replace your vegetable oil in cooking with coconut oil is because unsaturated fats like vegetable oils tend to impair thyroid function which can affect your metabolism, cholesterol levels and many more bodily functions. The saturated fats in coconut, on the other hand, have been shown to be supportive of healthy thyroid function. To find out how important the thyroid gland is you can go here:

Coconut Oil has also been shown to protect against alcohol damage to the liver.

The small structure of the saturated fat in coconut oil makes it one of the best oils to use on your skin. Not only does it make your skin very soft since it is absorbed quickly and easily but it also protects your cells against the aging and carcinogenic effects of UVA light from the sun. It is also 100% natural, unlike most lotions, creams and oils sold in stores which contain many toxic chemicals that absorb directly into your bloodstream. A motto to live by is that you should never put anything on your skin that you would not put into your mouth. Besides, think of how much money you will save on all those expensive creams and lotions that are loaded with toxic chemicals. If you want scent then you can always add essential oils of your choosing or cocoa butter to the coconut oil.

Using coconut oil on wounds can also help to soften scabs and reduce scarring.

Always buy VIRGIN Coconut Oil rather than the Bleached, Deodorized or Refined Oils as many of the health benefits are stripped from the oil during these processes. You can also reap the benefits of coconut fat by eating fresh or dried coconut and by using coconut milk in your cooking or smoothies. Make sure to buy the full fat versions of anything coconut as the fat is what makes the product healthy.

Coconut oil is solid up to 76 degrees Fahrenheit where it will then turn liquid so it will often be a solid white creamy mass during the winter and melt to clear liquid during the summer. You can buy it in most health food stores or online. I usually buy mine in bulk (five gallon bucket which lasts me about a year) because I use it for cooking, baking and on my skin as a daily moisturizer and mixed with Aloe vera gel as a sun protectant.

Here are a few of the online merchants that sell high quality Virgin Coconut Oil:

Mountain Rose Herbs

Vitacost Search Coconut Oil

Tropical Traditions

Now Foods Coconut Oil at Vitaminlife

Wilderness Family Naturals

There are some great books on the benefits of coconut oil if you are interested in finding out more detail but I have hopefully inspired you to at least try out some coconut oil and experience the benefits for yourself.

The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife

Eat Fat Lose Fat by Mary Enig & Sally Fallon

– For Educational Purposes Only
– Not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition
-These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA
– These statements are my opinions and conclusion from the knowledge I have thus far

1. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2003/09/13/coconut-oil-part-three.aspx
Accessed: 04/06/09, Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola
2. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2002/08/17/saturated-fat1.aspx
Accessed: 04/07/09, Author: Mary Enig, PhD, and Sally Fallon
3. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2001/07/28/coconut-health.aspx
Accessed: 04/09/09, Author: Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., F.A.C.N.
4. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2001/07/28/coconut-health3.aspx
Accessed: 04/09/09, Author: Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., F.A.C.N.
5. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2001/03/24/coconut-oil-part-one.aspx
Accessed: 04/09/09, Author: Ray Peat
6. http://www.naturalnews.com/022313.html
Accessed: 04/09/09, Author: Teya Skae
7. http://www.naturalnews.com/025388.html
Accessed: 04/09/09, Author: Sheryl Walters
8. http://www.organicfacts.net/organic-oils/organic-coconut-oil/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil.html
Accessed: 04/09/09
9. Enig & Fallon, Eat Fat Lose Fat, 2005, Pg. 44
10. Enig, Know Your Fats, 2000, Pgs 114-115, 241, 256, 261, 264

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Lets talk about body odor. The first thing you should know is that the reason you have body odor, of any kind, is because of what you eat and how it is digested. As I have said before, 1/3rd of your body’s waste products are excreted through your skin and the type of food you eat plays a major role in your overall smell and the type of odor producing bacteria that will live in your armpits and groin and such.

The second thing you need to know is that the chemicals that you put on your skin are absorbed directly into your bloodstream and then carried throughout your body. Most people don’t think about the fact that when chemicals are absorbed through the skin there is nothing to break them down. At least when you eat a chemical there are enzymes in your saliva that have the potential to render the chemical slightly less harmful. Your skin does not have this benefit so remember that as you buy your lotions, sunscreens, makeup and deodorants. To find the toxicity rating of your hygiene products you can go to the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Website here:


Since we are discussing body odor specifically though, we are going to focus on Antiperspirants and deodorants. The two dangers I want to discuss regarding these products is parabens and aluminum.

Parabens are used as a preservative in many cosmetics and even some foods. They can be listed on the label as methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl paraben, butyl paraben, isobutyl paraben or E216. One of the problems with parabens is that they mimic estrogens in your body which means that they can cause diminished muscle mass and extra fat storing as well as causing males to grow breasts. There have also been studies that link parabens to tumor growth and some studies that have found completely intact parabens inside human breast tumors. Even “natural” products may contain parabens so be sure to read the labels and try to avoid products that contain them.

Antiperspirants specifically contain another harmful ingredient which is a toxic heavy metal known as aluminum. The aluminum is in the antiperspirant because it helps to clog sweat releasing pores and therefore helps to keep you dry. There is two problems with this. Firstly, you are blocking a major route of detoxification for your body thus placing unnecessary burden on your other organs. Secondly, you are absorbing this aluminum into your bloodstream and it is toxic to your body and especially your brain.

When your body is not able to rid itself of toxins via perspiration of the underarms, the toxins can be deposited into your lymph nodes. Because these toxins are being deposited continually, the lymph nodes cannot filter them fast enough and they start to build up which can cause cell mutation leading to cancer and tumor growth. The cluster of lymph nodes for the underarm area, in males and females, is located in the upper outside quadrant of the breast area and it is no coincidence that almost all breast cancer tumors are found in this area. You can read about the importance of the lymph nodes here:


Now for the second point; the aluminum content in some antiperspirants can be almost 25 percent. Pretty much anything with the ‘alum’ in it is probably a form of aluminum which is readily absorbed into your bloodstream. Women especially are in danger of this because shaving tends to remove the top layers of skin making the area more permeable.

Probably the scariest thing about aluminum is that when it is deposited into your brain, it can cause neurological damage associated with Alzheimer ’s disease. A build up of heavy metals in your body also causes your body to perform almost like an antenna for electro-magnetic frequencies which can speed tumor growth and disrupt cell communication within our bodies.

The accumulation of aluminum in the body has also been linked with many other diseases such as osteoporosis, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver and kidney function, forgetfulness and speech disturbances.

Cilantro tincture is supposed to be a good way to help remove excess aluminum and some other heavy metals from your body. Chlorella is also a good heavy metal detox agent of which you can read about here:


Cleaning up your diet is key when it comes to body odor. Make sure to eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Try to stay away from meat that has added colorings, flavorings and preservatives (which is basically all meat at a traditional grocery store or restaurant). Organic, Grass-fed and free-range meat is best. You can find this type of meat at some health food stores or on the internet at sites like this:


An alternative to deodorant is using simple baking soda. I’ve been using it for almost a year now and am pleasantly surprised with how well it works. Especially since I tried almost every “natural” and “organic” deodorant there was to try and none of them every seemed to work. To apply the baking soda I use a powder brush and just blot it on my underarms. There are many essential oils that you can add a couple drops of to your baking soda to assist with its deodorizing properties or to just give your underarms some fragrance. Always use caution with essential oils as some people can be very sensitive to them.

Patchouli: antimicrobial, bactericidal, deodorant, good for skin, stress, and nervous exhaustion.
Eucalyptus: Deodorant, antiseptic, antiviral, increases circulation, antifungal, antibacterial.
Clary Sage: antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, deodorant
Cypress: antiseptic, astringent, deodorant
Lavender: gentle, soothing, cleansing and drying to the skin
Peppermint and Spearmint: cooling and purifying, clean-smelling
Geranium: antibacterial, deodorant
Rosemary: antibacterial, detoxification
Cinnamon: antibacterial
Clove: antibacterial
Rosewood: antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, antiparasitic, tones skin.
Tea Tree: antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immune stimulant, antiparasitic, anti-infectious
Thyme: antimicrobial, antiseptic, bactericidal, immune stimulant, tonic.
Myrrh: Antimicrobial, bactericide, deodorant

– For Educational Purposes Only
– Not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition
-These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA
– These statements are my opinions and conclusion from the knowledge I have thus far

1. http://blogs.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2007/09/20/does-your-antiperspirant-cause-breast-cancer.aspx
Accessed:03/30/09, Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola
2. http://www.naturalnews.com/019777.html
Accessed: 03/30/09, Author: Mike Adams
3. http://www.naturalnews.com/009969.html
Accessed: 03/30/09, Author: Mike Adams
4. http://www.naturalnews.com/024979.html
Accessed: 03/30/2009, Author: Elizabeth Walling
5. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2007/06/22/body-absorbs-5-lbs-of-make-up-chemicals-per-year.aspx
Accessed: 03/30/2009, Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola
6. http://www.naturalcures.com/Members/newsletter_ektid122413.aspx
Accessed: 03/30/2009, Author Kevin Trudeau
7. http://naturalmedicine.suite101.com/article.cfm/deodorant
Accessed: 03/30/09, Author: Victoria Anisman-Reiner
8. http://www.feelgoodproducts.com/properties.html
Accessed: 03/30/09, Author:
9. http://www.naturopathyworks.com/news/newsltr0603.php
Accessed: 03/31/09, Author: Colleen Huber
10. Audio Interview Transcript with Dr. Dietrich Klingheardt
Accessed: 03/31/09, Pgs. 9, 19-20, 26
11. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2003/12/27/toxic-metals-part-one.aspx
Accessed: 03/31/09, Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola
12. http://www.essentialoils.co.za/therapeutic-properties.htm
Accessed: 03/31/09, Author: Sallamander Concepts

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