
Posts Tagged ‘Blood Purification’

Chlorella is a unicellular, green algae that packs a very powerful punch against a whole host of bodily problems including cancer and the ravages of aging.

Chlorella’s benefits begin with the fact that it is a highly concentrated source of chlorophyll; more concentrated than any other known plant actually. Chlorophyll has been known to balance blood pressure levels and support tissue repair along with assisting liver function and the detoxification of the bowels. As a bonus, by helping to clean out the digestive tract, Chlorophyll helps to freshen breath and reduce body odor.

Chlorella is what’s known as an “intelligent detoxifier” for the body because it effectively searches out, binds to and eliminates harmful toxins while leaving all the valuable nutrients that our bodies need for nourishment. Chlorella has 22 different peptides that bind with their own specific toxins. Uranium, Plutonium and Arsenic are included on Chlorella’s search and destroy list.

Not only does it leave plenty of nutrients as it detoxifies but it also provides a plethora of its own nutrition. Chlorella contains all of the B Vitamins along with Vitamin C and Vitamin E. It also contains beta-carotene, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, rare trace minerals, Omega 6 fatty acids, and polysaccharides. It is over 50% protein and contains all of the essential amino acids. Along with all of those important vitamins and minerals, Chlorella also contains one of the most vital “vitamins” our bodies need; Vitamin D. I’ve posted about the importance of Vitamin D here:

Chlorella not only binds with toxins but it also binds with heavy metals and removes them from our bodies. You know how an ant can carry something like 10-50 times its own body weight? Well, Chlorella can bind with a multiple of its own body weight also so it’s like a powerlifter in the heavy metal detox world. Heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, lead and cadmium can be very toxic to our bodies and have been linked to many diseases including Autism, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, Crone’s Disease, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue. Removing these heavy metals can have amazing cognitive and physical benefits. For those of you who eat a lot of fish you may want to consider adding chlorella as a daily detox agent just to help protect you from the rising levels of mercury being found in all types of fish.

Chlorella is also a powerful immune system booster as it encourages T-Cell activity. This increased T-Cell activity makes Chlorella a powerful cancer fighter. To find out more about what T-Cells do in our bodies you can go here:

Chlorella also aids in the digestion of food because it contains enzymes like pepsin and chlorophyllase.

If all that weren’t enough, Chlorella also helps to support the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract which can easily be depleted with antibiotics, harmful foods and stress. These beneficial bacteria are absolutely vital to our health and well being helping to prevent yeast overgrowth and encourage our elimination process.

Chlorella is also 18% chlorella growth factor (CGF) which is similar to Insulin Like Growth factor (IGF-1). IGF-1 has been touted as a fountain of youth and excellent muscle repair supplement. CGF has been shown to enhance the RNA/DNA functions responsible for the production of proteins, enzymes and energy at the cellular level which stimulates tissue repair and protects cells against some toxic substances. IGF-1 has risks concerning tumor growth but obtaining it in the form of CGF from chlorella might actually offset these risks since Chlorella is such a powerful cancer fighter. You can find out more about the risks and benefits of IGF-1 here:

You can find chlorella in powder or tablet form. The tablets are usually very small and you will need to take about 15 a day to receive the health benefits but you should follow the dosage instructions on the specific supplement you buy. You would be surprised how easy it is to swallow a large amount of these tablets though because of how small they are. Before purchasing any type of chlorella supplement you should make sure that the cell wall has been broken. If it is not “broken cell wall” or “cracked cell wall” then the product is likely to go right through you without any of the above mentioned benefits.

There are no known side effects of long term use of chlorella that I could find, even in very high doses. Chlorella, then, can potentially provide valuable detoxing benefits for life. With all the toxins and chemicals that we face on a daily basis through diet, air pollution, etc, detoxing is one of the most healing steps you can take to prevent bodily problems.

– For Educational Purposes Only
– Not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition
-These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA
– These statements are my opinions and conclusion from the knowledge I have thus far

1. http://www.naturalnews.com/008527.html
Accessed: 03/24/09, Author: Dani Veracity
2. http://www.naturalnews.com/025104.html
Accessed: 03/24/09, Author: Sheryl Walters
3. http://www.naturalnews.com/024505.html
Accessed: 03/24/09, Author: Barbara Minton
4. http://products.mercola.com/chlorella/
Accessed: 03/24/09, Author: Dr. Joseph Mercola
5. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1184523/the_amazing_health_benefits_of_chlorella.html
Accessed: 03/24/09, Author: Jason Earls
6. http://products.mercola.com/faq/chlorella.htm
Accessed: 03/24/09
7. http://www.naturalways.com/chlorella-growth-factor.htm
Accessed: 03/24/09
8. www.mercola.com Audio Interview Transcript with Dr. Dietrich Klingheardt
Accessed: 03/25/09, Pg. 23

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